Missing Labels in the HTML5 Plugin with NSX 6.4.

If you recently upgraded to NSX 6.4, you are probably anxious to check out the new HTML5 plugin. VMware added some limited functionality in HTML5, including the new dashboard, upgrade coordinator as well as packet capture and support bundle collection tools. After upgrading NSX manager, you may notice that the plugin does not look the way it should. Many labels are missing. Rather than seeing tab titles like ‘Overview’ and ‘System Scale’ you see ‘dashboard.button.label.overview’ and ‘dashboard.button.label.systemScale’:


Obviously, things aren’t displaying as they should be, and some views – like the upgrade coordinator – are practically unusable:


Thankfully, this is one problem that lies squarely on the browser and doesn’t require any kind of fix or workaround in NSX Manager or vCenter. I noticed that opening a new ‘Private’ or ‘Incognito’ window would display the NSX plugin just fine – clearly something in the browser cache was the problem. Clearing the cache did the trick and after logging in, everything now looks as it should.


Hopefully this helps someone else who runs into this graphical glitch.

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